
Behind the Music - songwriting

The majority of the songs we sing are our own compositions, either written by myself or together with Michelle. I wrote my first song when I was about 14 yrs old. It wasn't a great song; a couple of verses and a chorus, and a pretty basic melody, but after having the pleasure of playing it to a few people, and being encouraged by their response, it was the beginning of my adventures in songwriting.

Now, many years later, I still enjoy writing songs, but hopefully they're a little more creative in their use of words, rhythm, harmony and melody. And if I've progressed in any way, it's partly because I've tried to develop my songwriting abilities by reading around the subject, and taking the opportunities to learn from other songwriters, musicians and artists. One way of doing this is by studying an artists work, learning their songs, and performing their songs yourself. It's also about finding out what's behind the music: What inspired a song, the lyrics, the music itself? What motivated the songwriter? What was he or she trying to communicate?

With this in mind, we've included here a bunch of songs, some of which we use in the duo or the group, some of which are more suited for use in churches, some of which haven't really been used anywhere yet. We've included the lyrics and the chords here for your to use freely, and gradually we'll also add mp3s and a section 'Behind the lyrics' giving a little background on what inspired the songs.

We'd like to make them available because we experience our music, and all it brings to us, as a gift from God, for which we are very grateful, and sharing our songs, the words, chords, etc., is a way to say thanks to him.

If these songs can be of any use or they inspire you in your own songwriting abilities, or in any other way, then that's fantastic! We'd love to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to contact us.










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Association Musical'âme
