
9 to 5 by Chris Hall

I'm sitting on the bus to my 9 to 5,
An angel singing songs at my side,
Watching all the people as we speed by
On this hamster's treadmill called life.

Gotta go to work, gotta earn your crust,
Finding satisfaction in a life of lust;
Ain't got time for love nor trust
In this crazy treadmill called life.

What's it all about?
Tell me where's the fun.
Now I don't mean to scream and shout
But there's a change coming on.

Work, work, work to get a little pay,
If I earn enough I can retire some day.
Get a good pension, yeah, that's the way
In this greedy treadmill called life.

Days turn into weeks and months, it's all just the same;
And everybody seems to play the same sad game.
Who made the rules, tell me who's to blame
For this incessant treadmill called life.

What's it all about?
Tell me where's the fun.
Nnow I don't mean to scream and shout
But there's a change coming on.

They say that's just the way it is, well I don't agree,
'Cos working every hour God sends just ain't for me;
Now I don't mind grafting, even doing long hours,
But me I work to live and not the other way 'round.

What's it all about?
Tell me where's the fun.
Nnow I don't mean to scream and shout
But there's a change coming on.

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A chaque chanson son histoire

J'ai écrit le texte de cette chanson lors des trajets en car d'une demi-heure pour l'aller-retour du travail en plein centre de la grande ville de Birminhgam en angleterre. Je me souviens de comment j'ai été frappé par le surabondance de pub et l'incitation sans cesse d'acheter, de consommer, d'acquérir des 'trucs'. Et je me souviens d'avoir été frappé également par la routine ennuyeuse et le manque de sens si la vie ne comptait que de ça.

Pour moi, bien que le travail est important et nous avons tous besoin d'une certaine nombre de choses matérielles, la vie s'agit de bien plus que cela. Et parfois je ressens le besoin de crier et hurler et rebeller contre une société qui semble vouloir dire que l'essentiel pour ma vie est le confort matériel, le bien-être personel, et la stabilité financière.









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